Thursday, March 1, 2012

20 minutes of crying/driving does a body... bad

So I was picking up my kiddo from daycare...

Left my crutch in the car cause it's a short distance and only a couple stairs. Got to the front door and did the usual, kick each foot into the other to knock the snow off the bottom of my shoes... well when I kicked my right foot into my left it popped. It has been popping more and more recently - almost anytime I shift my weight from right to left.

Well this pop was a little more... um, forceful-feeling painful... I uttered a quick obscenity before the daycare provider opened the front door and I hobbled down the stairs... Got back out to the car, thinking, well hell, this still hurts...

Sat down and started my 20 minute drive home. About five minutes in after sitting through the longest red light in history... I went to press the gas and almost blacked out - $#%& that hurt. Proceeded to cry the whole way home using my right foot only for the gas and left for the brake.

Now I am sitting on the couch with a heating pad - aware that I should probably be using ice but... I am hurting, it's cold, and I don't freaking care.

Moral of the story... don't go out in the winter???

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