This week marked 4.5 months since my surgery (right anterior
hip arthrotomy with repair of acetabular labral detachment, osteoplasty of
femoral head and neck, and right periacetabular osteotomy). At this point I am
completely off crutches and still doing physical therapy but still having more
pain and popping than expected or happy with.
I have neglected updating this blog for a bit because I was
hoping to have a better update with answers, advice and/or plan of action but I
still don’t have it. Last I wrote, Dr. P (my follow-up surgeon) said the bones
were healing well but was concerned about the painful popping I had along with
my current pain levels. We agreed to continue with PT and see what was going on
but a fall and increase in those symptoms looked like I was heading for more
Well when I met with Dr. P – he agreed that the increase was
concerning. He didn’t think I did any real damage (to the bones & screws)
but was worried about the labrum either not healing or tearing again. So I was
sent off for another MRI or MR-arthrogram (with contrast dye). Dr. P also
wanted me to have an inarticular steroid injection. He was hoping that it would
help serve a diagnostic purpose (identifying it was actual joint pain) and
offering some pain relief. I was worried about the screws but reassured that I
wouldn’t have any discomfort with them and they were MRI safe but… they still
don’t make it easy to see. What I also wasn’t prepared for was the changes in
my hip – physiologically. As we get
started with the injection – the radiologist is asking me about my surgery and
current pain and proceeds to tell me about how with chronic pain and/or trauma
the body reacts by increasing blood flow to the area. Well after so long… the
body actually changes and grows more blood vessels and I have plenty –
hypervascular. So hypervascular that he couldn’t get the dye to sit in the hip
joint. Several pokes, repositioning and varied injection cocktails were needed
to avoid overdosing me with the various meds that they were immediately being
pulled away by my blood vessels. This also meant that I couldn’t have the
steroid injection because it would not sit in the hip joint long enough to be
effective. After he finally found a spot where only half the dye seemed to
disappear, I was rushed in the MRI machine and after 20 minutes I was done and
there was no more dye left in my joint – just a lot of pain. Another thing that
was interesting was when he first turned on the fluoroscope he asked me if I
had x-rays taken since my surgery. I said yes but was interested as to why he
asked. He pointed to one of the osteotomy cuts and said it didn’t appear to be
healed together. He immediately followed it by “well if your hasn’t mentioned
it then it is probably just my angle.”
Well when I got the report back it was mentioned. The overall volume of bone callous at the
puboacetabular junction was poorly seen and recommended a CT scan. He also said
there was mild bone marrow edema in the femoral neck and over the bursa. I
guess this could have something to do with the coxa valga and steep neck
angles. He also reported a tear and fraying in the labrum and indicated that my
CAM impingement was completely gone (go Dr. Mayo).
After meeting with Dr. P – he suggested that the labrum
findings were inconclusive because of the extensive repair that was done during
surgery – this kind of irritated me because I thought that was why we were
doing the MR-A. He focused most on the puboacetabular junction and took another
set of x-rays. He said it was hard to say definitively that the cut was healing
together correctly. We discussed it at length. He said that it could explain
the increased pain especially when sitting or weight bearing. Again I was
frustrated because I have been complaining about this specifically for months.
I understand that I am still not out of the realm of recovery where it would be
completely atypical but I feel like I wasn’t listened to really.
So he suggested a CT scan. I asked what that would tell us…
He said it would tell us if I had non-union or slow union. I asked what would
that change for a “recovery plan” and he said he didn’t know if it would…
What?!?! Then why? He said since he was consulting with Dr. Mayo and has never
really seen non-union he wants to have the most information to present to Dr.
Mayo to decide what to do. I get that
but I am just frustrated that I don’t have any other answers. Tired of waiting
for answers. Tired of having the same pain and not knowing why after doing
everything my surgeons have said. Sigh. CT is scheduled for tomorrow. We will
see how it goes…
PT had been going well and I feel like I am finally starting
to gain some muscle back and my therapist feels I am doing great although she
is still concerned about what is going on in the joint. I had a little setback
with the pain flare from injection and some sicknesses but have an appointment
tomorrow before the CT scan… and so it goes on. Hopefully my next update will
be better.
4.5 months bilateral hips (note swelling on right side still)
Incision 4.5 months
Atrohpy & Rebuild at 4.5 months
Electrical Stim at PT
Therapy Pool at PT - AWESOME
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