Saturday, July 14, 2012

4 weeks Post op

I hit two pretty decent milestones this week!!! July 8th marked my 10th wedding anniversary to Mr. Broken Hip. We met 12 years ago and have been together since!

And..... I am HALFWAY THERE!!! Well almost... halfway to the BEGINNING of my real recovery. I will be able to put weight on that leg (assuming my x-rays show good things), drive, and THINK about getting rid of these crutches. They told me it would take another month or two to get off of crutches completely. I have to be able to walk without a limp. I hope I am able to do that well. Even now, using crutches, I try to use a rolling heel-toe motion on my right leg - just without putting a lot of weight on it. I was told that should help.

I am starting to get a little anxious about it. Cabin fever is starting to settle in. I have done quite a bit more this last week. I have paid for it afterward with pain but that is expected to some degree right? I will recap my activities, not necessarily because I think you all will care so much - I just need to see it written out so I actually feel like this recovery is moving along.

Took a short road trip out to my in-laws house. They live about an hour away in Wasilla. My awesome husband hooked my Cryo-cuff up to an inverter in the car so I could keep the hip iced and wrapped on the drive there and back. He also loaded up my CPM machine to use on the couch once I got there. *note - totally missed my raised toilet seat. The drive, a lot like my plane ride, was okay - not too uncomfortable - until I had to get out of the car. I am super super stiff and sore and I wasn't even sitting completely at a 90 degree angle - had the seat reclined back pretty far.

Then I had a day full of outings - my little girl got her braces off (well the top half) and I wanted to be there with her. So loaded up the Cryo-Cuff again. Then we had to stop at the store to get little man soccer gear since he has soccer camp this week. THEN, I had to go have an ultrasound done on my leg. The Dr.'s office was a little concerned because my hip is still pretty swollen, red and hot - also, the muscles are still cramping up and locking often. I have finished the antibiotics and Flexiril doesn't help at all. The ultrasound was negative, so that is good! Then I hung out at my Dad's house while the girl had her golf lessons. By the time I got home - I was hurting and really needed the CPM machine to help the muscles in my leg calm down.

It took a lot out of me. I slept/napped on/off the entire next day. But then I followed that up the next day with grocery shopping. I rocked those little motorized carts at Costco and Fred Meyer to get the ingredients for two copy cat recipes for some food that sounded good. I nailed a pretty good homemade version of White Chocolate Cherry Bread and an Italian Chicken Sandwich! Yay for a little bit of an appetite. I am still not back to normal but food is at least tasting good and sounding alright now - and my scale is jumping back up to confirm it.

I was also able to sit through two of my lil man's soccer camp practices! It was so awesome to watch him. I am glad he likes doing it! I brought my nice reclining camping chair and a blanket. 1.5 hours/day for two days. Not too bad but definitely hurting by the time I got home.

Feels like a lot - even though it isn't. Getting better at showering by myself and dressing. My yoga pants, while comfy, are still difficult since I can't bend completely to reach my foot if the material gets stuck. Unfortunately, I had to go back to sleeping on the hospital bed. My bed is just not okay by morning - with or without the CPM and ice. I am still hurting when I wake up in the hospital bed but it is not the same bone-crushing, overwhelming, makes you wanna scratch your own eyes out pain that I have when I wake up in my bed. I hope that changes soon - it is lonely sleeping out here by myself.

Pain is finally starting to feel manageable as long as I stay on my meds - which has been a little tricky between two surgeons in two cities who are out of their office more than they are in it. I just need to be a better advocate for myself I guess.

I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet... but I know it's there! This weekend it lil man's 5th birthday. I can't believe how big he is!!! We are having his party here and I hope I survive it!

More pics!

Incision 4 weeks post op 4 weeks, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App
Quad atrophy - 4 weeks 4 weeks, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App
Circulation issues??? 4 weeks, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App
Soccer Fun Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App


  1. You are doing good. Make sure you keep on the aspirin regimen. Did you start that yet? Do you have one of those handheld massagers? Maybe you can massage it around your leg and calf too. love you

  2. Sounds like a busy week! Glad I got to see you yesterday. Great pics of soccer camp ;)
